About Study Away
Welcome! We are excited to be working with you to support you as you plan for a meaningful study away experience.
Similar to other important decisions in your life such as where to go to college and what academic major to pursue, the decision to study off-campus should be approached intentionally. What academic and personal goals do you hope to achieve while studying away? What type of study away program or university would be the best option to accomplish these goals? How will your off-campus experience complement and enrich your Bowdoin degree?
Study away can be a unique catalyst to achieve a diverse set of academic and personal goals—an intense, richly rewarding, and immersive time of exploration and self-discovery. When it is the right match, off-campus study broadens and enriches your Bowdoin education through opportunities at diverse institutions and programs around the world. Students who intentionally integrate their off-campus experience into their undergraduate degree are best able to make these opportunities meaningful.